青森県三厩村竜飛崎の画像  Aomori Prefecture tappi cape
Diving Club SeaPAL
Homepage of Kuroishi branch

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Welcome to the SeaPAL Kuroishi branch. We are clubs in which the sea is loved, and the companion of whom the hobby who is the scuba diving gathers. The headquarters is put on Aomori Prefecture Hirosaki City of Japan, and the amateur club named SeaPAL has been managed. This homepage chiefly publishes information on other Kuroishi branch etc. not to mention the scuba diving. Everyone, please look freely.

Welcome to SeaPAL Kuroishi

Here is a homepage of the scuba diving club. We are in Aomori Prefecture Hirosaki City ..the headquarters... The amateur club of "SeaPAL" has been managed. The diving activity is chiefly done centering on the coast in the Aomori Prefecture Tsugaru peninsula. Everyone, please see assumption of diving, and a hobby interesting one freely.

Diving point&fish

Related pageTopicsUpdate time
当クラブのメンバー紹介 Member introduction of this club数年前のメンバー写真? Member photograph of several years ago2001/5/1
当クラブの年間行事 It is an event during the year of this club. 飲み会中心の行事 Event of party center 2001/8/12
ダイビングポイント紹介 Diving point introduction津軽半島のダイビングスポット紹介 Diving spot introduction of Tsugaru peninsula 2001/8/12
ツアー写真集 Tour photograph collection2007年シーパル竜飛崎ダイブ SeaPAL tappisaki diving in 20062007/9/23
黒石支部の観光案内 Sightseeing guide of Kuroishi branch2002年黒石花火大会紹介&ねぷた祭り Kuroishi fireworks introduction & Nebuta festival in 2002 2002/8/17
メールコーナー Mail cornerシーパル黒石に関するご感想をどうぞ The impression concerning SeaPAL Kuroishi please 2001/5/17

Link information

SeaPAL headquarters Home Page

Aomori prefecture live camera & computer system development"PALNet Hirosaki"

ライブカメラ パルネット弘前

The E-mail to the Kuroishi branch : to the following please.

e-mail kenfu@f4.dion.ne.jp
